Now Offering Both In-Person & Telehealth Sessions

Now Offering Both In-Person & Telehealth Sessions

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Individual Therapy

Embrace Yourself

If you are an expert at putting other people’s needs and wants ahead of your own (often at the expense of your own) then you are likely to experience one or more of the following:

• You are in a care-giving position (teacher, nurse, parent, elder care, etc.)

• You grew up in a family system that was unable to recognize and accept your own unique experience.

• You believe it is selfish to think of yourself first.

• You are incredibly independent and almost never ask for help (even though you secretly want some).

• You desperately want to be taken care of but would never admit it.

• You constantly worry about what others think of you.

• You have a never ending list of “shoulds” that dictate your every move.

• You feel like you are always failing or you never feel “good enough.”

• You feel disconnected from yourself or “don’t know who you are.”

• You have difficulty creating and keeping boundaries.

• You rarely speak up for yourself.

• You feel resentment.

Sound familiar? I CAN HELP.

Let's start working together!