Now Offering Both In-Person & Telehealth Sessions

Now Offering Both In-Person & Telehealth Sessions

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Single Mother By Choice

Choosing to become a solo mother is a courageous and life changing decision.  Whether it be through pregnancy via donor tissue (sperm/egg), adoption, or becoming a foster parent the path of choice motherhood can be full of emotions, set-backs, triumphs, hope, and loss.  

Whether you’re in the thinking stage, actively researching or pursuing treatments, pregnant, or in the trenches of motherhood, you don’t have to navigate this experience on your own.  As your therapist I will accompany you on this journey working with you to discover ways to feel more authentic and grounded.

Along with individual therapy, I also facilitate a group for prospective single mothers by choice.   To learn more about upcoming cohorts, click the link below.

Prospective Choice Mothers Group

Let's start working together!