Now Offering Both In-Person & Telehealth Sessions

Now Offering Both In-Person & Telehealth Sessions

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Life Transitions

CHANGE is inevitable.  How we cope with change doesn’t have to be.  If you find yourself in the midst of one of these transitions and you feel anxious, overwhelmed, worried or lost this is normal.  Change means facing the unknown which can be scary.  Together we will meet the transition in your life and actively work to find ways for you to feel more grounded, authentic, and in control.

Whether you’re experiencing the changes of childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, midlife, or your golden years you may be in the midst of one or more of these transitions:

Physical Changes

  • Puberty/changing bodies
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Health issues

Social/Emotional/Professional Changes

  • Going off to college or graduating from school
  • Moving out on your own
  • Career change or a new job
  • Relocation/Moving 
  • Parenthood
  • Marriage/Divorce
  • Beginning/Ending a relationship
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Retirement
  • Empty Nest

Let's start working together!